‘Mad Dog’ Russo attacks Stephen A. Smith’s Miami property purchase, questioning why anyone would choose to face Miami’s summer heat.
On a recent episode of ‘First Take,’ Mad Dog’ Russo and Stephen A. Smith engaged in a lively exchange, with Russo seizing the opportunity to mock Smith over his recent purchase of a property in Miami.
‘Mad Dog’ Russo: “Who in their right mind would ever want to be in a town like Miami in the middle of July when it’s 105 degrees? People depart Miami in the summers. They receive the condo for January, February, and March, and then they get the hell out of town. It’s good for alligators, not for human beings.”
“What dope would purchase a house in Miami or a condo in May and spend their summers there? You can’t run, you can’t play golf. I have a youngster who’s going to obtain a job in West Palm Beach. He’s looking forward to it. I said, ‘Colin, you’re nuts. It’s a disaster. You can’t do anything; you have to stay in an air-conditioned house.'”
“So I was trying to think, what stupid, what dope, would sit there and buy a mansion in Miami and not be allowed to go outside? He purchased a mansion with air conditioning so he could stay inside. And then I realized the dude was none other than Stephen A. He now resides there. Miami during the height of summer.”
“Which real estate agent killed it? As bad as it gets is that. Why would you ever act in such way?
Stephen A. Smith: “To begin with, you’re unaware of what I purchased. First place. Second, I live in multiple places. I move in my own way. And third, you obviously don’t know much about Miami, as any man would tell you.”
“You should purchase some shades for yourself. You mentioned that nobody is outside. I was there just last week, indeed. I was outside.
‘Mad Dog’ Russo replied, “What, at midnight when it was 83 degrees?”
Smith, Stephen A. “On South Beach. It was rather pleasant. S-e-T-A-I is how one pronounces setai. I am aware of that. View the remaining content. If you require more spots, I can offer you a few more. You have no idea what you’re talking about, I promise.”
“I have multiple locations. It’s not as frequent as you imagine, but I’ll tell you right now that it’s okay to be around. I firmly believe that you ought to venture out more.”
Given the intense heat and humidity, Russo found it hard to comprehend why anyone would prefer to spend their summers in Miami. He pointed out that most visitors choose to visit Miami in the cooler months and avoid the searing summer weather.
He sarcastically questioned the practicality of owning a home in Miami merely to stay indoors under air conditioning. Russo jokingly referred to the individual making such a purchase as a “idiot” and subsequently identified this person as Stephen A. Smith. He amazed at the real estate agent who managed to sell a vacation property in such a hot location.
Not to be outdone, Stephen A. Smith promptly defended his choice. He made it clear that he has several homes and that his stay in Miami is temporary. He questioned Russo’s knowledge of Miami, arguing that Russo ought to do more research there.
In a humorous statement, Russo said that the only time in Miami during the summer when being outside might be bearable is late at night when the temperature drops a little. In response, Smith said he had enjoyed his trips, which had included time spent on South Beach, and he underlined that Miami offers beautiful locations where people can enjoy the weather all year round.
Both “Mad Dog” Russo and Stephen A. showcased their personalities during the exchange, which was a perfect example of the lighthearted banter that viewers have grown accustomed to from “First Take.” It was an unforgettable segment.