Kimi Raikkonen answers to fans’ call for Iceman Jr. Robin to continue his F1 career

Regarding the likelihood of his son Robin competing in Formula 1 and carrying on his father’s legacy, Kimi Raikkonen gave additional information.

Following a string of incredibly strong performances, Kimi Raikkonen announced his retirement from Formula 1. The Iceman made the decision to give his family’s needs as a parent top priority and to spend more time with them. Raikkonen is the father of three beautiful children, Grace, Rianna, and Robin. Thus, the 44-year-old expressed his thoughts about his son Robin possibly racing in Formula 1.

Many drivers from the highest echelons of racing frequently push or urge their children to follow in their footsteps. But for Kimi Raikkonen, that was not the case. The Finn observed that after quitting the sport, he grew occupied. Raikkonen stated that he worked as a technician for his go-karting-avid son Robin.

We went to Italy, it’s been busy [since my retirement], and I’ve been Robin’s technician [as he starts go-karting].

Raikkonen emphasized that Robin was having a good time racing in the junior division. The Iceman also didn’t say no to his kid competing at the highest level in motorsports. The Finn went on to demonstrate his excellent parenting abilities and insisted that what really mattered was that his son was enjoying himself.

After retiring, Kimi Raikkonen claimed that he no longer watches Formula 1 races “much.”

For more than 19 years, Kimi Raikkonen had the pleasure of competing in Formula 1 with several constructors. The Iceman asserted, meanwhile, that his family obligations prevented him from watching many races these days. Raikkonen would still occasionally watch the races if they were shown on television, though. As a result, even with his interest, the 44-year-old’s knowledge of the sport was lacking.

Not much, as we’re constantly engaged in family activities with the kids. However, there have been occasions when we’ve been at home and something has come on TV; I still find it interesting, even though my knowledge has decreased.

If Robin, the Iceman’s son, decides to pursue a career in Formula 1, he will undoubtedly have strong backing. Even though he still makes rare appearances, Kimi Raikkonen is a very well-respected figure in the community. Time will tell, though, whether Robin can actually succeed in the sport.

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